Saturday, 4 June 2016

Oooh sneaky sneaky conman! Please see where you went wrong

Hello from 2016!

Well if you look below you will see that my last post was made a little over three years ago. I'm bad. To be fair, and in my defense a lot has been going on. But, I did get slack. So, i'm back.

I just wanted to write about some emails I received today. A basic rant about how much crap ended up in my junk folder. I should be working, and I have been it's just I've hit writers block and I needed to unhash my brain. So, think of this as my way of warning you at what you might receive.

MR Gavril Moore -

Now, to confirm, not once did I converse with the creator (human or bot) of this email. Yet, still i have to laugh at the nerve and audacity. I am not alone in receiving this email, and I have googled how many others have received it. But Mr Gavril Moore, thought i might like some of his wealth, even though the poor soul is slowly reaching his demise. Please see my notes in red. Please note normally i don't indulge these things, was a boring day.

My Dearest Friend. - I guess all strangers are just friends who haven't met yet

Greetings to you and your family as this letter may come to you as a surprise due to the fact that we have not yet met (my thoughts exactly), But I got your details from GOOGLE search and I prayed hard to GOD to direct me to the rightful person who will be able to handle this project with trust and honesty, and my heart went for you because you are not a jobless person, Your heart went for me? Where did it go? I hope it was nicer than clearing out the cat s%!t tray. And why? Why do you feel for me if i'm not jobless?

I have to say this, I have no intention of harming you in any way. Through email? I should hope not unless you can close the laptop too harshly - possibly giving me a bad case of nipple-pinchy?! As you read this, your pity is not required (Pfft!) but your assistance because I believe everyone will die someday (Thought that was a fact, or have i been living with the wrong information?) My name is Gavril Moore ; Medications and surgeries are no longer an option, I have only about a few months to live according to medical experts. I have not particularly lived my life so well, as I never really cared for anyone not even myself but business in the past. 

Though I am very rich and wealthy, (So rich you had to google my email? If you googled at all? Christian Gray had  Welch to dig all the goss!) I was never too generous as I would have loved to be, I was too hostile to people now that I think about it and only focus on my business as that was the only thing I cared for (A grammatical headache for a powerful business man?!) But now I regret all this as I now know that there is more to life than just wanting to have or make all the money in the world. I believe if God gives me a second chance to live in this world again, I would live my life a different way from how I have lived it (I'm 100% sure you will be running with details should i give them over.). Now that I know my time is near, I have willed and given most of my properties and assets to my immediate and extended family members and as well as a few close friends.

I have decided to give alms to charity organisations, as I want this to be one of the last good deeds I do on earth. So far, I have distributed money to some charity organisations in Africa, Philippines, London and Ireland. Now that my health has deteriorated so badly and poorly,I need assistance from someone who will assist me in getting this project done successfully. I don't care about your status or religion,  I cannot do this alone any more. I once asked members of my family to close one of my accounts in Bulgaria and donate the money by distribution to charity homes and organisations, they refused and kept the money to themselves. Hence, I do not trust them anymore, as they seem not to be contended with what I have left for them. (Nicely covered! Not too shabby)

The last of my money which is a huge cash deposit I have with a financial institute abroad (Ohh many celebs did that too), I will want you to help me or rather assist me to collect this deposit and dispatched it to charity organisations. I am writing this from my laptop computer in my bedroom where I wait for my time to come. I pray that God uses you to support and assist me with good heart.

Most importantly, I will need you to promise to keep whatever you learn from me between us (Darn, I'm all excited now, and want to tell all) and Thanks for your understanding and I hope to hear from you soon. Have a nice day.

Yours faithfully,
Mr. Gavril Moore,

N.B: Please if you are interested and you need more details concerning what I said and to contact me please quickly click on my E-mail Address:

Right, so a massive part of me wants to email him/her and string him/her along...I don't know.

All i can say is, all Phishing, Scammers, Con-artists, whatever - Just email Hi, I want your cash and i'm not going to give you anything in return. So give us your card details, expiry and CV2, and i'll jog on. 


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