Friday, 22 July 2016

Writing a synopsis and sticking pins in eyes comes to mind

OK, to clarify I of course mean sticking pins in my own eyes, not just randomly running up to someone in the street and attacking them with implements from my sewing box. No, I genuinely would rather gut myself than have to write this... But I've done it anyway.

Now, there are some agents who want a full synopsis consisting of no more than 4 pages, and then there are others who want no more than 500 words. Meh (my brain gags at the thought) if I could keep things under 500 words than I'd be writing short stories too.
1) Pick out key points... My whole book is key points.
2) Convey character emotions... In 500 words are you joking?
3)Don't lose the plot - Did that years ago.

So, after a short break away visiting family and friends, and a painfully long journey back on the M6 (which is another story), I sat down and began.
I started by writing the synopsis as Girl meets boy, boy does this, girl does this, boy screws up etc. I then changed boy and girl to the characters names, and then worked on it until something somewhat decent was left. That was 487 words. A few people have read it over and they have said it can be cut more. More? Would a synopsis of 'They meet, they fight, and then the twist..' suffice? I have read so many blogs, authors, writers and more on this subject, and still it seems to be down to one thing - Sitting down and just doing it.

I have also created a spreadsheet of Agents to send submissions to, using the Writers and Artists yearbook 2016. If I can get just one asking for a full MS out of the 10 or so I'm submitting to, then i'll know I've done something right. Otherwise, I'll just try and try again. Beats sitting on my butt scratching my head and picking my nose anyway.

If what I have written is any good, then I will of course share with you what I have done, but if it's pants and ends me in the round file then I wouldn't want anyone facing the same fate through my own errors. Instead I will write a what not to send, kind of like what not to say on a first date post.

Will keep you all updated on the progress...


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